Gionee Nepal has started taking pre-booking for their new flagship model Gionee A1 through SastoDeal. Gionee A1 was recently launched at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017, and Gionee Nepal has brought it to Nepal within a month of its inception. The phone is priced at Rs 32,999 and pre-bookers for the Gionee A1 will get JBL GO speaker as a pre-booking gift which is worth Rs 4,000. Pre-Booking for Gionee A1 has started from 19th March and will end on 3rd April. The phone is available in three different colour variants Black, Grey and Gold. Key Features of Gionee A1 Display:~ 5.5 inches of…
Author: Prabin KC
Mi-Mix is a concept phone from Xiaomi which was released back in October 2016. The phone has taken over the world with its almost bezel-less display which looks stunning in hands. Vatsal Implex Pvt. Ltd (authorized distributor of Xiaomi for Nepal) has informed us that they will be launching the Mi Mix at the end of the February. Xiaomi Mi Mix Xiaomi Mi-Mix comes with 6.4-inches of the display which has a resolution of 2040 * 1080 pixels and comes with a screen to body ratio of 91.3% which gives it a perfect design and almost bezel-less display. This phone…