In the recent Apple event, Apple announced its new iPad pro. Now the iPad shares the same processor as its bigger brother MacBook. The M1 iPad pro also brings a few changes other than the M1 chip from its last generation, such as the Liquid Retina XDR display with mini LEDs, Thunderbolt port, and 5G. However, the mini LED display is only available on the 12.9″ variant. Also Read: iPhone Price in Nepal Performance Apple claims improved CPU performance by 50% and GPU performance by 40% with the M1 chip in the new iPad. The iPad was already impressive in…
Author: Kishor Kiran Mahatara
Xiaomi is a Chinese smartphone brand that is quite popular in the Nepalese market too. Xiaomi Nepal has recently launched its MI TV stick here in Nepal. It is a simple solution for all your media consumption needs. It is a device that converts your regular TV into a smart TV. There are not many options for selecting a TV box here in Nepal, especially in the budget segment. Therefore MI TV stick might be an excellent option to consider. Xiaomi MI TV stick is straightforward to use. It is just a plug-and-play simple device. You have to plug it…